Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Last Straw for Barney

Yet again this winter our family is sick. Yet again the virus was brought into our home via Daniel. Yet again we will have no idea if the culprit was preschool, Sunday school, story time at the library, or one of those indoor play areas that seem like such a great idea at the time.

In the last few days the sickness has spread from Daniel to the rest of us, no thanks to Barney and Friends. Daniel is a big fan of the "I love you" song. Totally sweet when he isn't sick (and as long as he doesn't repeat it over and over, and over). But when the boogers are flowing and the cough is blowing, the song is our biggest nightmare. You know the rest of the song, right? "...with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you ..."

Thus again, the Hendricks clan is sick.


Travis Hendricks said...

If you guys keep this up you'll soon have an immunity for every sickness in the book. You'll be like a Super Family or something.

Angelina Hendricks said...

Seriously! I'm hoping our boys are the healthiest elementary school kids the teachers ever seen. Daniel now has an ear infection to top things off.