Friday, July 29, 2011

Daniel Plays Peek-A-Boo With Cannon

Daniel loves playing with other kids. We're really hoping that carries over to his brother even if the first few months or so baby brother doesn't do much.

Recently one of Daniel's best play buddies has been Cannon, who unfortunately moved to Texas with his parents. But we got this video of Daniel making Cannon laugh the day before Cannon moved.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

High Altitude, Storms and Red Wine

So if this baby was meant to come early, it surely would have been yesterday. I drove to the top of Mt. Evans (14,000+ feet) with our summer interns from work and hung out in Idaho Springs, also at elevation. In the evening a storm system came in while I enjoyed an evening and a full glass of wine with a girlfriend.

But alas, no baby. However, my doctor's appointment today did reveal that I am 3 1/2 cm dilated and 80 percent effaced, which means baby is on his way.

The photo below is just for fun, and to scare the rangers. No contractions on the mountain!

Monday, July 25, 2011

You Will Be Here Before We Know It

Dear ... ah, ah, ah ... I guess I can't divulge your name just yet, little guy. Daddy wants to keep it a secret until your arrival in this world, which is days away.

Well, you know just who I am talking to. That's right. Our second born, our second boy, our special, one and only you. Like I did with your brother, I thought I would offer you a little welcome into our family.

As you have heard from the inside of my belly, you have a very loud, very busy, very smart older brother. Your dad and I know you will learn a lot from him - both the good and the bad. You have also bore the brunt of his rambunctiousness - Yes. That was him kicking you last night as he decided to speed skate across mommy to get to daddy, where he proceeded to to jump on your dad's chest as if it was a bouncy castle ... a bouncy castle? You will know what those are soon enough, and like your brother, not want to come out once you have entered the plastic house of play.

You also have a mommy and daddy who love you immensely and can't wait to see just what you look like, to see just what your personality is like, to hug you and kiss you and help you ease into the world. (We've got the swaddling blankets, rocking chair and bouncy seat all ready.)

You also have lots of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends that can't wait to meet you and love on you. We have been so fortunate to have a village of people help us raise your brother, and things will be no different for you, little one. We are blessed!

So rest assured, my little man, you are coming into this world not alone, but with a strong support network in place. We love you and we can't wait to see you.

That being said, any chance you would like to join us a little early?

Photo taken four weeks before due date.

Daniel Makes JJ Very Happy

JJ has been known to play some video games on occasion and Daniel has noticed and taken an interest in video games and always tries to play when Daddy does. We bought Daniel a copy of Nintendogs and let him play on his own with JJ's old Nintendo DS that already has lots of scratches on the screen (No 3DS for you yet Daniel).

Almost every day Daniel will ask to play "Doggies" and will throw them a frisbee, give them a wash, or feed them. He is pretty good at finding the items he wants and takes pretty good care of the dogs. They do have a bit of a flea problem from a lack of brushing (Daniel doesn't like that chore I guess).

Moved An Apostrophe

A few people have asked us during the last month or two if we were going to make a new blog for Baby #2 since the first blog was called "Little Bean's Adventures".  We decided to move an apostrophe so it is now "Little Beans' Adventures" and works for both kids and all their future antics.

This is also easier for everyone.  You don't need to remember a new blog.  We don't need to create one.  And we won't have to decide "Which blog should we post the story about Daniel cutting #2's hair?"  or "#2 biting Daniel".  All the stories will be in the same place.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer in Full Swing

The summer wouldn't be summer without Grandpa Tiger's annual trip to Water World! Daniel rode all the rides, including "Journey to the Center of the Earth" and "Pharaoh's Tomb," which mommy was not aloud to go on because she is very pregnant.

The cousins came down to visit a few weeks ago. Daniel enjoyed every minute of his time together with Aravis, Jericho, Haven and Gideon - he repeats their names around the house constantly. Nothing like a choo-choo ride to bond the family together!

Last week Pop-Pop and Christen came to visit ... to go to the zoo, wade in the creek, play soccer, spray water, do chores around the house with a hammer and eat pizza at Daniel's favorite restaurant (twice)!

Yay for birthday parties and pools! Daniel's friends Mason and Kennedy both celebrated their 2nd birthdays this last weekend, and they both celebrated with a splash! Good thing. It was almost 100 degrees both days.