Sunday, February 28, 2010

Daniel Passes a Ball With Mom

Daniel has always loved balls since the very moment he could hold onto toys. Little basketballs, soft cloths balls, and big bouncy balls.

Over the last several weeks he has learned to play pass with a ball too. He will throws it back and forth with anyone who is sitting next to him. He even did some alley-oops with Grandpa Tiger down in Tucson.

Here's a video of Daniel playing pass with Mom

Friday, February 26, 2010

Daniel Helps With The Dishes

Angie and I are strong believers in kids helping around the house with chores. We decided 10 months was a great time for Daniel to start pulling his weight around the house.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Daniel's First Sentence "Uh-Oh Dada"

Daniel can say two words pretty consistently (and he knows what they mean too), "Uh-oh" and "Dada".

Every time he drops something on the ground he will say "uh-oh" a few times and if we point to Dad Daniel will say "Dada". He will say "Mama" too, but only when he is fussy.

A few days ago he said his first sentence with his two words, "uh-oh Dada".

We can almost hear him saying this a lot in the future as Dad drops a dish, burns dinner, or hits his finger with a hammer. "uh-oh Dada"

Monday, February 22, 2010

Daniel Walks With a Car

Daniel is the proud owner of his first car, a little red hot rod that turns on a dime. Daniel now walks around the house (and Travis and Meg's house too) pushing the car around.

Watch as Daniel walks/drive's his car from one end of the room to the window.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Your Nose Tastes Good Dad

Daniel loves rough housing with Dad, especially when Dad hasn't shaved in a while. The scruff really tickles Daniel and makes him laugh and laugh.

Sometimes Daniel decides to take the game in new directions.