Monday, July 25, 2011

Daniel Makes JJ Very Happy

JJ has been known to play some video games on occasion and Daniel has noticed and taken an interest in video games and always tries to play when Daddy does. We bought Daniel a copy of Nintendogs and let him play on his own with JJ's old Nintendo DS that already has lots of scratches on the screen (No 3DS for you yet Daniel).

Almost every day Daniel will ask to play "Doggies" and will throw them a frisbee, give them a wash, or feed them. He is pretty good at finding the items he wants and takes pretty good care of the dogs. They do have a bit of a flea problem from a lack of brushing (Daniel doesn't like that chore I guess).


mndrix said...

I'm impressed that he can already read Yes and Supplies. Pretty cool.

Travis Hendricks said...

Yeah me too Mikey. I'm quite impressed that he could understand all the menus and whatnot needed to play the game. Granted he got a little help from Daddy but for the most part he was doing everything on his own.

JJ Hendricks said...

I've been really surprised at how well he does too. He now understands the 'up' and 'down' arrows really well.

He gets caught up on which menu has which items he wants, but other than that he can play it by himself now without a problem.