Saturday, December 19, 2009

Big and Strong


You are nearing 8 months old and you are bigger and stronger each day. You want to walk. I can see it in your eyes as you watch other kids in motion pass you by. You are mobile, however. You have mastered the "scoot" from one end of the room to the other. Your daddy and I are putting money on you walking before you crawl.

You also like an adventure, exploring new places and obstacles. Why just the other day I left you to your play in the living room while I was in the office, and when I came around the corner to check on you, there you were under a chair.

You continue to attempt to pull yourself up on the table or your big cube that has beads to twirl or doors to open on every side. You can stand on the couch by yourself for long periods of time without assistance and like our previous posts have said, you can open and close drawers and switch on and off the lights like a pro.

We are so proud of you, sweetheart. We love you so much and pray that you will continue to grow healthy, continue to find joy in the little things, and continue being happy, little you.


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