Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Happy Birthday Chase-ee-San!

Kick’n. Pump’n. Climb’n. Groov’n.
Shake’n. Ride’n. Jump’n. Move’n.

You’ve been on the move since day one,
Playing games and having fun.

We’ve seen you dance from morning till night,
Singing on key with lyrics just right.

You’ve got the rhythm, you’ve got the beat,
God has surely blessed you with dancing feet.

Ninja, warrior, Karate Kid,
So many villains from our home you have rid.

No matter which character, costume or face,
Inside each we can always see our Chase.

He is kind and caring, brave and bold,
A thoughtful hero with a heart of gold.

God made you special, gifted and filled with joy.
So thankful for you, our five-year-old boy.

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