Thursday, April 14, 2016

1 Year Old Daughter

Gloria! Happy Birthday, sweet girl. Today you are one. Already. Your dad and I can hardly believe it. A year. Three hundred and sixty-five days old.

What a beautiful, joyful girl you are, Gloria. We are thankful for your frequent snuggles, the way your smile and your giggles warm our hearts, and your all-around enthusiasm for fun. You make us all laugh, especially when you dish up your big-mouth-bass kisses or you interrupt conversations with your screams, making sure you get your view across as well. 

Today you have mastered the speed crawl – especially when the dishwasher is open or you hear the shower running – and you stand without assistance for several seconds before sitting down and clapping for yourself. You climb up stairs with gusto, yet down is still a mystery yet solved.

Your favorite games are Hide and Seek with your brothers, Peek-a-Boo, passing the ball back and forth, putting items into containers and taking them out again, and playing in dirt. You also love your swing in the front yard.

Your dancing legs get moving when the slightest melody arises, and the other day I caught you in the midst of a zurburt war with yourself in the mirror. 

Your first word was “bye-bye,” and you can communicate “done," “down” and “ball.” You wave goodbye and blow kisses, and squeal with excitement when you see dogs.

We love all of this about you and more, little girl. What a gift you are to me, to all of us. We can’t wait to see what else God has in store for you and the gifts you will develop to share with the world.

Love you.


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