Sunday, November 1, 2015

The M&M

Gloria is six months old and learning new tricks every day. She is sitting up on her own, enjoying the feel, sounds and tastes of toys, and she is loving the world of food. Gloria's interests in food have quickly jumped from mushy veggies and fruits to whatever she sees on our plates. We realize she isn't ready for solids - aside from the occasional pizza crust for gnawing purposes - but that doesn't stop her from trying to secure these items. We recently learned she will eat through packaging to get what she wants. 

The other day I gave Gloria a small bag of M&Ms to busy herself with for the few hundred yards to the grocery store. I parked the car and opened the side door to take out Gloria. There she sat with blue and brown colors creeping slowly to her chin, a victorious smile on her face. Somehow she had opened the bag, and from the looks of the mix of colors inside and on her face, she had eaten her very first chocolate confection. 

Fortunately, she hasn't been asking for chocolate syrup while nursing, but the boys don't trust her alone with their Halloween candy stashes. 

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