Thursday, November 28, 2013


In an effort to practice a lifestyle of thanksgiving, we started a “Tree of Thanks” at our house this fall. Since November 1, each night after dinner, the boys, JJ and I record things we were thankful for that day onto a leaf, and hang those leaves on our tree (a bundle of branches). We also read aloud a scripture each night that reminds us that we have a God that is good and deserving of our thanks.

Daniel really seemed to enjoy this exercise and would come up to me all times throughout the day with something to put on the tree. Here are a few things we give thanks for:

1. Family
2. My (Daniel’s) buddy Dylan across the street.
3. To be living in a great neighborhood with loving neighbors
4. Jesus dying on the cross
5. Friendships that lift us up and last over time and distance
6. The honesty of a stranger
7. Arms, legs, the ability to play sports and receive joy from them
8. Peanut Butter and Jelly
9. That nightmares aren’t real, and that God is watching and protecting us
10. Mommies and Daddies to cuddle with after a bad dream
11. Laughter
12. Daniel’s servant’s heart
13. A warm home
14. A truck that works, and the ability to loan it to others
15. Family time: cooking, playing, chores, serving together, movies and popcorn...
16. That the concerns of t his world shrink under a Kingdom lens
17. The smell of baked apples
18. Beautiful weather
19. Humility gained during imperfect situations
20. A God who loves us, and has perfect plans for our lives

Happy Thanksgiving!

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