Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Family Campout: A Comedy of Errors

It may look like all fun and games during our camping trip last weekend. But if you look a little closer you will spy a band aid on Chase'  forehead that is the remnants of a fall smack dab onto the cement block surrounding the fire pit. In one of the first photos Daniel is acting in front of the camera, pretending to be cold. An hour prior he was so cold he threw a tantrum the entire time we tore down camp. Also, what you don't see is mom's first night and morning when she was throwing up every hour or two (thank you, migraine). The last three photos were at a playground outside of downtown Leadville, where we retreated for hot cocoa the first morning because our fire wood was too damp to light, and the stove we thought we had packed was nowhere to be found.
Needless to say, this trip didn't unfold as we had imagined. BUT, the boys did have a wonderful time and we are quite certain they will have only fond memories of the camping trip when they got to eat S'mores before lunch, where Daniel got to climb boulders all by himself, running back and forth in the tent jumping from one air mattress to the next, driving through a tunnel through a mountain...Good times.


mndrix said...

What a trip! It sounds like all ended well.

On a side note, Leadville looks like it's come a long way since I was there 20 years ago. Back then it was run down and dilapidated. Now they have soccer fields and a nice park. I'll have to be sure to visit again soon.

Angie said...

It has come a long way. All those bike, hike, run, tri-athlete races have brought in a good amount of tourism and I guess there is a larger Hispanic population living there, commuting to the ski towns to work. We enjoyed our time in town.