Sunday, February 19, 2012

Strong, Steady, and Silly


Although this blog has an overwhelming number of posts about your big brother (because he was the first-born), we hope you will know that our love for you is just as great and you bring your dad and I so much joy in so many ways.

You are six months old and already you love to playfully tease us. For example, every time I put your clothes on you grab onto the sleeves when I put your arms through the holes. You laugh because you know my goal is to get your arms all the way through, and you are preventing me from finishing the task. We both laugh and play tug of war briefly before every shirt is put on. This never gets old. You make me smile every time.

Your eyes are a gorgeous blue and they quite often give away your inner thoughts. They stare longingly at food on the dinner table that you cannot yet have but know is better than mushy peas and carrots. They light up whenever you hear or see your brother enter a room. They get all goofy when you play with your dad, when you grab at his nose and bury your head into his 12-oclock shadow. And of course, that look, that look you give me every time our eyes meet. Thank you for that look. I love you, too.

A few more special things about you: you are strong and steady, sitting up since 5 months old. You don't have any teeth yet, but you chow down on animal crackers, currently your favorite treat, in record time. You smile all the time and giggle even when you play by yourself. Your favorite activities include playing in your exersaucer, grabbing at mommy and daddy's faces, story time at the library with your brother and hanging out on the floor talking happily in gibberish after feeding yourself your own bottle.

We love you, Chase.

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