Friday, December 2, 2011

First Day of School: No Paints for this Preschooler

Unfortunately, Daniel's first day of school wasn't the shining moment of self-expression and play I had so hoped for him.

Quite the opposite, I picked up my little munchkin practically in tears because he wet his pants for the second time and he wanted his mommy. (Until today, poor Daniel has only had two accidents since being potty trained.) I was crushed to find out that Daniel had not jumped right in with the other boys and girls in his class, did not participate in painting time, and didn't even eat his snack. No fruit loops? Really? Where did my son go?

We will try again on Monday. I'm hoping once Daniel gets to know his teachers and classmates better, and he gets accustom to the new routine, my precious boy will come to life and share all his love, his joy and his friendship with the rest of his class. And who knows? Maybe he will even pick up a paint brush.

Daniel before his first day of school. Despite the fact that he had no problem saying goodbye to mommy while at the Sand Table this morning, Daniel was more than ready to come home when mommy picked him up 3 hours later.

1 comment:

mndrix said...

I remember our kids having a rough few days when they started preschool too. I'm sure Daniel will love it before long.