Friday, April 16, 2010

I'm Almost A Year Old

... and some of my favorite things are:

1. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches
2. Giving the high-five
3. My swing
4. The slide
5. Being Outside
6. Going for rides in my wagon
7. My cousins Aravis, Jericho, Haven and Gideon
8. Balls! Kicking them. Throwing them. Looking at them!
9. Dancing in my crib when I first wake up
10. Pulled pork sandwiches - no joke!

I have recently learned to stand by myself and take a few steps. (Video coming soon!)

I am also now saying "bye-bye," "ball," and "car" in addition to "dada," "mama," "dog" and "uh-oh."

1 comment:

Jen Morgan said...

My nephew is awesome!