Friday, May 1, 2009

It Takes a Village

I didn't know what we would do when my mom left Monday morning. (The few days that she was able to lend a hand when Daniel first came home are irreplaceable.) But, praise God, we have seen continued support from friends and family, to help us through this first week of Daniel's time outside the womb. A huge thanks to everyone who has brought us meals - we haven't had to cook anything since we've been home. Thanks to those who have cleaned up our kitchen when we weren't looking and who came over to keep me company while Daniel was going through his drawn out, I'm-up-now-I'm-poopy-now-I-need-to-be-fed-again-I'm-not-going-to-bed-stage.

I would like to say that JJ and I are settling into a routine now that Daniel has been home for almost a week. But, to be honest, there is nothing routine about a newborn, except the fact that they need three things all day long: sleep, food and diaper changes - lots of them. We are getting use to broken sleep patterns, and putting Daniel to bed, not worrying if he will choke on his own spit-up. We are no longer fearful of the binki. And we find joy in litte things like, the funny faces Daniel makes when he is pushing out a big poo; the angel we see when Daniel is sleeping soundly; the songs mommy and daddy make up as we try and ammuse him or sooth him.

It has been a tough, exhausting (notice how there haven't been any posts in a while), miraculous, beautiful week. But, one thing is for sure: Now that you are here, "Big D," (yes. nicknames are developing rapidly), we can't imagine our world without you.

We love you so much.
Mommy & Daddy

Daniel at one week.


Unknown said...

Yup -- you quickly move from "Will my baby survive?" to "Will I survive?" And, be forewarned, -- if you develop "a routine", it will only last for a few days! Parenting is an ongoing DYNAMIC process -- that's what makes it so interesting. Love your posts

Jenny said...

What an incredibly sweet picture! I hope you're all three getting the rest you need. Can't wait to see you...sometime!:)