If your children go to public school you will quickly learn about a million "enrichment" classes you can pay to have your child be involved in. There's everything from theater to robotics.
We weren't going to keep Daniel at school longer than he needed to be there - 3pm is his favorite time of day because he gets to come home and be with his family - and we surely weren't interested in paying for a diverse array of skill sets we might be able to teach him from home. So, ...
... So, a month ago JJ started teaching the kids basic programming through games such as "Tynker" and this last week Angie started "Chefs Junior," a monthly cooking class for ages 4 and up in our home (a.k.a. Chase and Daniel).
Daniel got to pick our first food endeavor: Doughnuts.
Soooo good! Recipe here.
Between Angie's love for cooking and the boys' love for eating (and being involved in the process), we are planning for many more classes such as this. Perhaps to Chase' dismay, not all sweets.
I love this. The home is such a great place for personalized, fun learning.
We may have to enroll Jeremy in one or two of these courses. And then we can start our own course and invite your clan.
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