Monday, February 28, 2011


Doesn't every mom love hearing their toddler affectionately say "mommy" when he or she is looking for you, is in need of a snack, wants to play a game or even better: wants to cuddle?

Not this mom.

Let me explain. Since Daniel started to speak he has referred to me as "mom-mom." Even after he sharpened his speech and started calling JJ "daddy" he still called me "mom-mom." I became comfortable with the idea that it would be my title for good. But, that doesn't seem to be the case. This week Daniel has started calling me "mommy." I love Daniel no matter what he calls me and am happy to be his "mommy," but I am temporarily missing "mom-mom."

Daniel is growing up, and just like calling me "mom-mom" is a phase that will pass, so will others too. I guess this mom just needs to embrace the changes and find joy in all the newness that her son will forever bring her way.

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