Monday, February 28, 2011


Doesn't every mom love hearing their toddler affectionately say "mommy" when he or she is looking for you, is in need of a snack, wants to play a game or even better: wants to cuddle?

Not this mom.

Let me explain. Since Daniel started to speak he has referred to me as "mom-mom." Even after he sharpened his speech and started calling JJ "daddy" he still called me "mom-mom." I became comfortable with the idea that it would be my title for good. But, that doesn't seem to be the case. This week Daniel has started calling me "mommy." I love Daniel no matter what he calls me and am happy to be his "mommy," but I am temporarily missing "mom-mom."

Daniel is growing up, and just like calling me "mom-mom" is a phase that will pass, so will others too. I guess this mom just needs to embrace the changes and find joy in all the newness that her son will forever bring her way.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Duck Duck Goose

A month ago Daniel and I were sitting on the floor practicing our usual wresting routine when Daniel got up, said "duck," and started running around me in circles. "Duck ... duck"

Daniel's version of Duck Duck Goose was created.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Got This

Daniel is more and more self-sufficient with each passing day. Soaping up in the tub with his ducky bubbles is just one of the ways he is taking care of his own needs.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Snow At Last

We are finally getting our share of winter weather in Denver. It took a while, but we are finally getting some snow, and Daniel is eating it up! (Literally and figuratively!)
Daniel tromps around our yard and those of our neighbors, sturdy and steadfast like a proud soldier on the battlefield. Daniel and his daddy constructed their first snowman together. The sled has been around the block more than a few times, and as the snow melts Daniel has created many games that entail icicles and our water drain.