If friends were flowers, I'd pick you!
-author unknown

This is my buddy Matt. He and his mom are big on the zoo, which is good for me because they invite me along. Matt's a few months younger than I am but he already has seven teeth. Imagine all the food I could eat with seven teeth!

This is Mason. He's one cheerful, dude. Our dad's are best buddies, which means I can bank on Mason being my brother for years and years to come.

Oh. Her? Well, she is ... well, despite the fact that all little girls have cooties, Faith and I enjoy playing together. My mom tells me that when I was little Faith, 3, would feed me my bottle. She also watched me get my diaper changed - embarrassing. I hope that won't hurt my chances of a first date when we are 18.

This is Anna. She and I like to dance to the worship music together at church. We also try to rock the seats in front of us as hard as we can!

McKenna, sorry my parents couldn't find a more recent photo of us. We are both a lot bigger now, and I don't cry when we are together like I am doing in this photo.
Great idea for a post. I bet Daniel and pals will get a kick out of this when they're older.
Yeah, this is a great idea for a post.
And you sure did a good job of making McKenna look like a meanie. Good thing we all know the truth.
McKenna does have quite the snear on her face doesn't she?
Daniel was the bully last time they got together. Lots of poking and yanking.
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