Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fortune Tellers, Prognosticators, Prophets, and Seers

There is no shortage of predictions when babies are concerned and Bean you are no different. We've heard every old wives tale there is, "You're carrying high, it must be a girl", "You've craved fatty foods, it must be a boy," and "You look like a basketball, it must be a girl." We've even heard the same logic with a different prediction.

We decided to add a couple of polls to the blog so everyone can make their predictions in public. So give us your best guesses on the right side of the page.

What sex will Bean be?
What week will Bean be born?

Feel free to comment below with what old wives tale you used to make your prediction.


mndrix said...

The number of spots on Bean's blog giraffe is even, so that clearly means it will be a girl. The star on its left foot points towards the early part of May.

Travis Hendricks said...

Based on the general sickness patterns of Angie in the first month and the location of the two new pieces of furniture in the family room you are definitely going to have a baby soon.

Punxsutawney Phil has spoken.