Thursday, January 21, 2016

9 Months

And right in the mix of things!

Height: 26 inches (4th%)
Weight: 16 pounds (14th%)
Head: 17 inches (56th%)


You are ... you are a gift. You are a beautiful child of God! You are adventurous. You are a treasure. You are so loved. You are adorable in pigtails. You sleep through the night. You love to eat - everything. You love to empty boxes and drawers. You pull yourself up onto everything you can reach. You love to help unload the dishwasher - clean or dirty. You dance. You make a joyful noise with your voice. You cuddle when you are tired. You giggle with your brothers. You LOVE the bath. You crawl everywhere, into the bathroom whenever we are not looking. You light up at the site of Daddy. You reach for Mommy. You rock your brother's old pjs. You yearn for Legos and Monopoly pieces. You have eyes that are steel blue (for now). You really enjoy playing in the grass and dirt. You play with a particular airplane all the time. You chew on a particular shark every bath. You are just about to figure out the stairs. You have had enough of your car seat. You bring so much joy to our home. You are growing up so quickly. You are ... something!

We love you, sweetie!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

That Laugh

Gloria loves her binkie before bedtime. As we learned today, she enjoys it during the day time, too. Check it out.