Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Chase' Favorite Things: 4 Months

1. His Big Brother, Daniel.
2. Food! Glorious, food! (He isn't 90th percentile for nothing.)
3. Gumming on Daddy's knuckle.
4. Chewing on his own hand.
5. Being rocked to sleep in his car seat.
6. His pacifier. Yup! It's back.
7. Laughter. Chase loves hearing others giggle. You'll almost always get a laugh right back.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

East Coast Visit 2.0

Oh, the adventures we had on Chase' first trip East ...

First Day: Ice cream for lunch at The Ice Cream Man. Good idea, Carl!

Next on the agenda: Throwing rocks into Saratoga Lake.

No visit is complete without making cupcakes with Auntie Jenny.

Games Played: Card Games, trains and rides on Nanny's walker!

Look What Daniel Found. He played by his own rules.

New hats for a new head. Thanks Nana's secretary.

"This coffee maker is a cinch! Who wants a cup?"

I don't know who was more excited to look for frogs and splash in the pond, Pop-Pop or Daniel.

Beep! Beep! Here we come!

Just getting a few chores done on Pop-Pop and Christin's farm.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I Get This, Too

It took this coffee lover until I was the mom of two to realize the true necessity of the drive thru coffee shop. I get it. Trust me. I get it.