Auntie Jenny came to visit this week to play with the boys and help out our family as we hit the one-month mark of being a family of four - needless to say, we sent her home exhausted.
Some of the many adventures Auntie Jenny enjoyed included a trip to "Monkey Business," an indoor play gym, a day at the zoo, dinner at Daniel's favorite pizza parlor, a late-night excursion to Chuck E Cheese, jumping on a trampoline, playing "mailman," "grocery store" and "choo-choo train."

Daniel showed off his climbing skills at Monkey Business ... for three hours!

Daniel used dozens of tokens in record time. Dad and Auntie Jenny helped!
Jenny and Daniel feed the birds nectar during a trip to the Denver Zoo.

Chase would be happy to live in Jen's arms or on her lap.
And of course, there were lots of "special treats" this week!
(see next post for chocolaty tales)