Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Story Time Brought To You By Daniel

Story 1: Push. Bastian. Waaa Waaa (makes face like crying). NO! Boom.

Story 2: Door. Stuck. No! Mom. Door.

Story 3: Chair. Boom. Knee. Oww.

These are a few of the stories Daniel has told us during the past few weeks.  He really likes telling me what happened during the day when I was gone at work, but sometimes it is hard to tell exactly what happened.  In story 1 I know either Daniel pushed Sebastian down or Sebastian pushed Daniel down, then there tears, then someone got in trouble.  That one happened at his sitters house so I haven't heard the story with complete sentences yet.

Story 2 is Daniel's favorite and if you ask him about "garage doors" he will surely tell you too.  Daniel was playing outside and opened the door to the garage and went inside.  He then turned the dead bolt on the door in just the right spot so the door couldn't close anymore and couldn't open either because it would hit a shelf in the garage.  Daniel started yelling for help and Angie went out to help him.  She couldn't open the door from the outside so she went to her car and used the garage door opener.

It is really fun to hear Daniel recount his adventures during the day and hear what parts of the story he knows how to say and/or thinks are memorable.