You do so much now that you are a big boy, Daniel.
I'm afraid I don't know when you started all your new tricks, however.
For instanace, When was it that you started saying "goodbye" to inanimate objects? Your toys, your books, the backyard, and all construction vehicles get a proper "goodbye."
When was it that you got so good at recognize people in photographs. Just today you pulled out my driver's license and said, "mom-mom."
When was it that you learned you could get what you wanted if you just said, "please."
When was it that you decided you wanted to make your own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?
When was it that you learned the word, "no?"
When was it that you became so skilled at getting your own dining room chair, dragging it to wherever you want, climbing on top of that chair and then grabbing the banana off the counter, finding the pens in the drawers, playing with the dirty dishes in the sink and reaching all those once-off-limits items in the cupboard?