Two weeks .. two weeks! Hard to believe you have been in our lives a whole two weeks, little man. I'm sure we will be making similar comments when you are 1 year old, 6 years old, a teenager, when you get married and when you have your very first child. But, I don't want to get ahead of ourselves here. I want to enjoy the cute, sweet, innocent, wonderful
little you that you are while you are still this cute, sweet, innocent, wonderful
little you.

So, as medical professionals suggest, you had your first doctor's visit at this two week mark. And this is what your lovely pediatrician told us:
You have gained almost a whole pound since you were born - big gold star there! Most babies are still trying to get back to their birth weight by this time. I guess your eating habits take after those of your father.
You are in the 64th percentile for height. That trait didn't come from either of your short parents, I can tell you that.
And your head is in the 29th percentile. Mama says, "praise God for that!" I can't imagine pushing out a noggin larger than the one I did.
All in all you got a glowing health report from the doc. Despite the fact that we changed you three times during the appointment. I guess that's what we get for letting the nurse stick a thermometer where no thermometer should go.
Great job, kiddo. You are beautiful inside and out!
Mom & Dad