Here is a brief tour of the nice delivery room we're in and the first room baby bean will see in the whole world.

The room has nice wood cabinets, hard wood flooring, and fancy mirrors and light fixtures. They even have leaves etched into the ceiling panels. Now that is luxury.

We were both really excited for the Jacuzzi tub in the room. Unfortunately it didn't quite meet Angie's dreams. It was too slippery for her to stay upright. And too long for her to reach the end of the tub with her feet and keep her head out of the water. So needless to say she didn't stay in long.

These are all the fancy electronics they have in the room to monitor baby and Angie. The plastic box on the left is the baby's first bed after it's born. It comes with a heating lamp too! The baby will sleep with us the first night, which is great to know.

Angie is hooked up to a couple of monitors while she is in bed. One of them measures her contractions. When it spikes she is having a contraction. Before the epidural this is when Angie would be in lots of pain. This contraction was great because Angie felt nothing.