Monday, March 30, 2009

Three Things

There are many things that your body does during pregnancy that go against the “norm” of everyday living – severe, itchy, dry skin; acid reflux; peeing every 15 minutes; a big ol’ belly that makes you sleep on your left side every night ... and the list goes on. Many women would agree that these are inconveniences. But, you learn to deal with them and adjust.

However, there are three things that I just haven't gotten use to since being pregnant.

1) Belly Bumping: Although my stomach has been protruding for the last three months, I haven't managed to avoid knocking papers off my desk and bumping into the side of the table on occasion. It just happens. And when it does I chuckle. Didn’t I know I was so close?

2) Big-Eyes-Small-Stomach Syndrome: Hunger pains are disproportional to the amount of space my stomach can hold food in now that you dominate the area from the top of my chest to my bladder, baby. Yet, strong cravings for food blind my conscious knowledge of this fact and I continually over order or dish myself too big a serving.

3) Twist & Shout: Bean, I know lately I have mentioned to others my desire for you to settle down, sleep when mom sleeps and keep those kick-boxing moves to a minimum. But, each time your little hand, foot, head or shoulder knocks against my belly, stretching it one way or the other, I’m amazed at the very fact that you are inside, let alone how active you are. Despite my complaints about you keeping me up or making me uncomfortable, I miss your movements when they are not there. And yes. I stare at my stomach all the time to watch it dance, to watch you dance.

It's not likely that I will get use to any of these things in the next three weeks before your due date. But, I have a sneaking suspicion that I might even miss them when you come into this world and this whole experience is over ... until the next child, that is.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fortune Tellers, Prognosticators, Prophets, and Seers

There is no shortage of predictions when babies are concerned and Bean you are no different. We've heard every old wives tale there is, "You're carrying high, it must be a girl", "You've craved fatty foods, it must be a boy," and "You look like a basketball, it must be a girl." We've even heard the same logic with a different prediction.

We decided to add a couple of polls to the blog so everyone can make their predictions in public. So give us your best guesses on the right side of the page.

What sex will Bean be?
What week will Bean be born?

Feel free to comment below with what old wives tale you used to make your prediction.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Bean's Wild and Whimsical Room


Your Aunt Julie asked me to show her the wonderful paintings that my friend Shonda made for you. Her wish is my command! Aren't they awesome! Can't wait to get the rest of your room ready.

Love you.
