I was lying in bed this morning feeling you dance around my belly, realizing how much your body and mine have changed this last month. Your movements are no longer little, quick boxing jabs, but more fluid modern dance moves. You also do a lot more reacting to the foods I eat. Though you like your hot sauces as much as I do.
Doctors' guesses are that you now weigh three to four pounds and stretch a good 16-17 inches vertically from my belly button downward. That's right, it seems that you have already figured out that you need to travel head first out the exit during your evacuation.
As for me, well I am getting bigger. Not as big as some would expect or have experienced themselves with only two months to go. In fact, one of our friends who is due almost three months after me compares in girth.
My days seem longer. I have found myself frequently steeling naps on the couch at work. Knowing that your arrival in April will rob me of much sleep, I have no guilt about sleeping in when I can and catching cat naps when my eyes seem too heavy to perform as they should.
We are doing just fine, baby. If you do your part to continue to grow strong and healthy I will do mine. Is it a deal?