Dear Bean,
You met your relatives last week. Or at least, they all feel a little closer to you. Your aunt Jenny talked to you in my stomach and sang you silly songs ("Leaving on a Jet Plane" to name one). Both my parents felt your strong kick. And my grandmother just grinned from ear to ear as she circled my belly with the palm of her hand. Everyone can't wait to meet you.
Your dad and I loaded wood from the barn to the cellar at my dad's house and said our hello's to the newest members of "Leverett Farm:" the guinea hens. I can see you chasing the stupid birds across the several acres of backyard once you are on your feet. I see you also helping my dad in the garden, planting flowers with Christin and enjoying many other simple pleasures of the country. This is sure to be a special place to you.
These next three months are sure to fly by. Your dad is moving his business to a new space; we are going to make you a special bedroom upstairs across the hall from ours; we are going to take a few classes to better prepare for being parents; we are going to buy a new car for you to ride in, and more. Each day I seem to be a little larger, a physical reminder that you are growing and will soon be here. (Last week, just before reaching the third trimester, I bought my first set of maternity clothes) There isn't a moment I don't think about you - maybe that's because you seem to be in a continual state of aerobic exercise inside my tummy! So this is the moment of no return. Forever more on my thoughts, forever a focus in our family to love and nurture.
We love you.