You haven’t had the chance to meet your father yet, benefit from his wise counsel, or cuddle up with him on the couch. But, let me tell you now how lucky you are to have a dad as kind, loving, patient, honest, hard working and honorable as you do.
You know by now that these last few months the hormones you’ve ignited within me have been making me pretty ill. Finding foods that agree with me - us - has been a challenge. So has staying up much past 8:30 at night, getting up in the morning without rushing to the bathroom and having enough energy to do my work, spend time with your dad, and on occasion a friend or two.
Through all of this, your dad has been patient with my inability to do much around the house – I admit it, I’m something of a sloth these days; he has made many trips to the store for one or two food “needs,” which I know isn’t his favorite thing to do; he takes care of me in every way when I am feeling my worst ; he has dry cereal and orange juice at my bedside every morning before I wake up; he hasn’t commented once about how I sleep an average of 11 hours a night or how when I am really feeling bad I can’t get myself to take a shower. Your dad has shown me more love than I knew was possible to give these last four and a half years. I can only imagine how much he will love special, little you, too.
We are two lucky kids!
About the photo: Your dad sells video games and sometimes he likes to be a goof in the pics he puts on his gaming blog. Oh! So much for you to learn; so much for you to love!