Dear Baby,
You will be 10 weeks old tomorrow, and finally I am free enough of nausea and fatigue that I can sit here to tell you how excited I am that I get to be your mommy. (Your dad’s excited, too!)
These last few months have been hard for me. I’m normally an energetic, athletic, fun, veggie-crazed lady. But over the last 10 weeks I have slept half the day, have enlisted no vegetables in my diet, and walking a few blocks makes me ill. I miss my old self, but I’m more exited to see your new self. I know you are going to be beautiful and bring so much joy to our family. I guess I will have to wait six and a half more months for you, though.
Your daddy and I haven’t given you a name yet. I like to call you “bean” because in our first ultrasound that’s just what you looked like, a little, dancing bean. The nurse told us it is unusual to see movement at seven weeks during the ultrasound. She said you must have been excited to say “hello” to your parents. I can tell you, we were sure thrilled to see you, little bean!